Home General EyeTeeBee.com – My new virtual home

EyeTeeBee.com – My new virtual home

by Behrad
On my old blog, BioTecK.net, my last post was called;
Keep Calm and Relax, I’ll be back soon…
However that “soon” is almost a decade ago… 😉 Yes, it’s been a decade since I wrote my last post and now I’m back & ready to pick up things! A decade… wow… I didn’t thought about it that much but 10 years is a long time! A lot has happed during the last decade in the world and that includes me as well on both personal and work life, to name a few; in 2012 I became a father of a daughter and later in 2015 my second daughter was born, changed career path in 2019, went through a divorce last year and off course Covid 19. So long story short, a lot has happend, I’m happy with my life, daughters and my job as a System Engineer.

EyeTeeBee aka IT B

I’ve always loved IT and everything related to it. IT has always been the main focus of my posts previously. And this is something which I’ll continue to do. So EyeTeeBee.com, you should see and read it as IT B, is my new digital place where I will write about IT, Technology and basically everything which I would like to share with the world. So by no means this is going to be the next best IT news platform. 😉 Welcome to EyeTeeBee.com / IT B’s new Home!

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